Tonight, I want to talk very briefly on the idea of "debating".
I have had some controversial topics come up in my profession, and it inevitably leads to an "argument". The issue I have with a situation like that is this: I do not condone arguments, I believe in discussions. Some people may see these two concepts as interchangeable, but I would say those individuals are more likely the ones that want to argue. In my opinion (key word here, OPINION), arguments arise when two people have conflicting BELIEFS about a topic, and want to convince the other that their belief is more knowledgeable, inspiring, or just downright correct. Where does this become a problem? Beliefs are deep. Beliefs are what your religion is based on. Your intrinsic ethical code is foundationally grounded in beliefs. Because of this, it is extremely difficult, indeed borderline impossible, to change someone's beliefs in a matter of a 15 minute conversation with them. What is more likely to happen? You piss them off, and they discontinue further communication with you.
My suggestion? Have 2-3 strong, invincible beliefs. Truths of life that you know are inalienable and timeless. The rest of your thoughts, be strongly opinionated in. And know that there may come a time when you have a DISCUSSION with someone that brings up strong evidence to the contrary of your opinion. You will find that it is much easier you to adapt and absorb this information, when you are working with an opinion.
And remember, when you are discussing a topic with someone, and you have to raise your voice, it is more than likely because you are failing to bring clarity or content to the conversation. Instead, bring an open mind, and a valid opinion.
My beliefs?
1) We are responsible for our own health and well-being, and we must give a conscious effort to our movements and our choices to keep our health in good standing.
2) Acting positively and searching for the most positive outlook for every situation will result in a more positive outlook on life.
3) Life is short. Do what makes you happy, and never regret a moment.
4) Stay Fit.
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