Hey Fitters!
Firstly, thank you Lonny for tonight's blog post topic! If any of you readers have an idea, post it in the comments below.
Tonight's topic is personal to all of us. We're all doing it. I'm doing it, you're doing it, the Queen of England is doing it RIGHT NOW! It is the act of aging. It is inevitable, and as it happens, our body's needs change. But something that maybe people don't realize is this:
The needs of every individual differ by degree, NOT by kind.
Every human being needs to better themselves in the ten aspects of fitness (check out this Post to see those aspects). What an Olympic speed skater and what your grandmother need to support their quality of life is the same in that they need to develop their strength, coordination, agility, etc. However, while Apollo may be doing 185 pound explosive front squats to cut a tenth of a second, Bertha is doing box squats holding a 10 pound dumbbell at her chest. Both are the same movements that elicit the same stresses to the body, but differ by degree (speed, weight, depth) But why? Why do work on a movement that she won't be doing in real life? Let's think about it.
As we age, what is it we want to be able to do as long as possible? I think most of us would agree that it is to live independently. Would you rather live to be 85, visiting family hundreds of miles away and hiking in the woods, or live to be 110 in a chair in your house, with hospice taking care of you? Whatever your choice, we can agree that the second does not sound appealing. So by doing a weighted squat, Bertha is training her mobility through a squatting motion, as well as developing (or at least maintaining) muscle mass. This allows her to get out of a chair on her own, walk up and down stairs, step off curbs, get in and out of her car, all on her own. This allows her to maintain her independence well into her golden years.
With all of that being said, there are things we can focus on as we age to continue our quality of life, which are also the things we tend to lose as we age. The main aspects of fitness I believe we should focus on as we age are:
Mobility/Flexibility - As we get older, our muscles become less supple, and muscle imbalances cause us to not be able to move our joints through full range of motion. It is imperative that we work to maintain mobility through these ranges so we can continue to use our joints the way they are intended.
Strength - Along with muscles becoming more immobile, we also lose a great deal of muscle mass. To combat this, it is important to use resistance training (weighted exercises) to build and maintain muscle mass. This is what helps insure that we can get out of that chair, and keep getting up when we are down.
Balance - "I can't do that, I don't have any balance." I've heard this time and again from everyone from 75 year old men to 28 year old women. Balance isn't like brown hair, it isn't genetic, you gain it by practice (which is how you work your neurological system, as opposed to training, which benefits things like strength, endurance, and other "organic" bodily changes). So if you want better balance, you have to work on your balance. And most injuries that occur to the older population occur via falls, making balance vital.
So now I tell you how to train for these things, right? Sorry, there is no way I could do that in one post, it would be an endless list. And moreover, everyone has different needs, even in their mobility (shoulders, ankles, hips, etc.) strength (hamstrings, shoulders, etc.) and balance (stand on one foot, stand on tiptoes with eyes closed, balance on a beam, etc.). So to truly learn more, you can continue to read my blog, look for more information on your specific needs with resources such as the internet, or even visit a personal trainer like myself and start preparing for living well the rest of your life!
Stay Fit.
Welcome to the blog of YOUR fitness and MY life. Walk on in, get warmed up, and get ready to move. I promise, you'll leave better for it.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Don't Jump 29 Inches for a 30 Inch Box Jump
Greetings Fitters!
We are going to talk tonight about commitment. We all make commitments on a regular basis, and since we are all humans, we have all given up on some from time to time, including myself. Some small commitments that come to mind are things like starting a strength training cycle, only to give up before the entire cycle is complete. Here recently, I made a commitment that I did not follow through with that cost me some immediate pain (and a little skin off my shin). Those who are friends with me on Facebook (if you aren't, please feel free to add me!) saw a picture of the aftermath of me missing a 30 inch box jump today. It wasn't pretty, but it made me consider some life lessons.
Why do we commit to actions? Why is it important to stay committed to an idea or action once we begin?
Remembering why we began: Usually, if it is something worth it, we begin an endeavor for very good reasons. It may start off unalterable, but over time we may lose our path or logic behind why we began. It is important to take time now and again refocus our efforts, so that we not only stay committed, but stay moving in the right direction.
Committing to the Big Picture: I personally try to make sure that the endeavors I commit to are ones that will assist me in the bigger picture of life. I make sure the things I commit to will help myself grow as a leader in fitness and wellness, or grow as a husband or family member, or to be a better athlete. I enjoy helping people as much as possible, but if my commitment isn't going to help that, I won't be able to give it 100%, and it would be better off in the hands of someone who can commit all the way. The next time you are asked to commit to something, ask yourself this: Will this help me be a better person, in the ways I believe a person can be better?
100% Commitment: 100% commitment is vital in two facets. The first is that you must commit yourself completely to the idea. If it is worth taking up your valuable time (life is too short not to do something you find worthwhile) then commit to it 100%. If I had committed to that 30 inch box, I would have kept all of my skin today. Instead I became lax, forgetting to give everything I had into that jump, and I suffered for it.

Making commitments like this, be it large or small, can be challenging, and sometimes frightening, as commitments usually come with a great deal of change and sacrifice. But if you can remember why you began, align your commitments with the big picture, and be 100% committed, you are more likely to see this thing (that we call life) to the end, and make the world a better place for it. Stay committed my friends.
Stay Fit.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
The 12 Days of Christmas Workout
And happy holidays to everyone. Since it is ever so timely, I want to share a very fun workout scheme that is great for the holidays, The 12 Days of Christmas. The gist of it is this......take 12 workouts, but them in a list, and put the numbers 1-12 in front of it. Start with the first movement, do one rep. Then do two reps of the second movement, and one of the first movement, then three reps of the third movement, two reps of the second movement, and one rep of the first movement. Repeat until you have done all twelve movements, returning to the other movements each time. Think "One first day of Christmas my first love gave to me, One Burpee. On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Two Dumbbell Thrusters and One Burpee. One the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Three Power Cleans, Two Dumbbell Thrusters, and One Burpee....".
This is a great way to do a lot of work in "little time" (this can take up to 20-30 minutes, depending on your intensity and the moves you choose). It is also a fun way to workout, as you are not spending too much time on a single exercise. You can also do it with any type of exercise, which makes it versatile and mobile (you can do it anywhere!). A tip in making selecting your exercises: Keep the heavier exercises (cleans, deadlifts, heavier deadlifts) towards the beginning (1,2, or 3 reps at a time), or at the end (11 or 12, but only done once or twice).
Here is an example of The 12 Days of Christmas (in this one, you would need a barbell loaded with a challenging weight that could be used for all barbell exercises):
1 Burpee
2 Dumbbell Thrusters
3 Power Cleans
4 Deadlifts
5 Box Jumps
6 Pushups
7 Jumping Lunges
8 1-arm Dumbbell Snatches
9 Kettlebell Swings
10 Squats
11 Pullups
12 Manmakers
Here's to celebrating the holidays fitness-style!
Stay Fit.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Having and Eating Your "Cake"
Greetings Fitters,
And Happy Christmas Eve, and whichever holiday you celebrate in your home. As the holiday comes upon us, I as a fitness professional reflect on the nutritional choices that all of my clients will be facing in the next few days. The stresses and the worries they will face as they drive to their family events, anticipating the decisions they will have to make, or fearing the guilt they will undoubtedly feel after they indulge.
I feel for them, and for everyone who goes through these holiday woes. But it is unnecessary, as long as we know how to approach the festivities.
For the holidays, and for every time of the year that isn't a holiday, it is important to remember: we are all human. And like most humans, we have all partaken in some less than healthy foods. It is borderline impossible to eat the healthiest of foods all of the time. And the energy and worry that we place into it is utterly exhausting. So what can we do to avoid those types of foods?
Built in Cheat Days: Allowing yourself a meal throughout the week to indulge is great for a lot of different reasons. One, it allows you to enjoy the foods you....enjoy. Secondly, it gives you a release from the pressure of eating healthy all day every day. It also gives you something to plan and look forward to each week. That being said, don't take advantage of the cheat day. Build one big meal in one day a week, and stick with it. Even plan out the very specifics of the meal. "I'm going to go have the pasta dish at (insert favorite restaurant) with a glass of wine." The rest of the week, keep it healthy (see The Magical Formula for Weight Loss). A great place to start? Well...tomorrow is Christmas. Keep it your cheat day, and then start planning out once a week for a meal out, homemade pizza, etc.
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Even an athletic superstar like the Rock has cheat meals...he ate this all for one meal! |
Don't Have the Cake Around: Want to make sure you don't eat your "cake" is to not have your "cake" to begin with! I have a strong weakness for ice cream. When my family visits, it always seem to show up, and it always gets left in my freezer when they leave. I have absolutely no willpower to avoid it. So I make it a point to never buy it for myself. If you know you won't be able stop yourself, don't put yourself in the position to make bad choices. After the holidays are over, send the leftovers home with your family members. That will keep you from packing in the calories day after day following the festivities.
Use these tips throughout the holidays (and every day after) along with the tips I gave in This Post to help you lose/avoid the pounds over until the new year.
Stay Fit.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
On the 1st Day of Christmas? It's One Day Long!
Hello Hello Fitters!
We started our Weight Loss Through the Holidays this evening, and with that came some holiday strategy. I spoke individually with each of our participants to give them personalized tips and tricks on how to make it through the holidays without the horrendously recurrent weight gain we see during this season.
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Actually, you each have ONE day....greedy month-mongers. |
And as you celebrate this days, remember that the celebration does not need to center around food. Food is brought to these to give our mouths something to do between the awkward silence of avoiding our Uncle Donny (or filling Uncle Donny's mouth so he has less ability to say offensive things). Are we celebrating the food we feast on? Not usually, in fact we splurge on so much of it, we tend not to savor what we consume anyways. We are there to celebrate family, friends, the idea that we are not alone in the world, but that there are those around that we are lucky enough to call family, and that will share in our endeavors, our stories, our lives together.
And I know your thought. "Well that's fine and dandy, but there's still food there. And it is still unhealthy, and it's still tempting as hell." So here is a list of things to do to be satisfied without being overly satiated.
1) Remember what you are celebrating, and focus on that. Family, friends, stories, well-wishing, laughter, love, memories, planning for the future.
2) Bring your own food, and make it healthy. Don't even tell them what's in it. Let them eat it. It will taste good, and they can have more. Or they will hate it, and you can have all of it. You don't have to justify your healthy eating habits, food preparation skills, etc.
3) Don't be projected upon by guilt-ridden people who made bad decisions. That's the harsh way of putting it. Basically, people know when they've made poor food choices. But instead of accepting it and moving on, they want you to partake so they don't feel so bad about their decisions. So they say things like "You aren't going to have any more?" or "What, are you on a diet?" It's your family, so respond appropriately. Anything from "I'm stuffed, thanks anyways" to "Shut your mouth when you're talking to me!" will work (I would perhaps avoid saying the latter to your grandmother :) ).
4) Eat before you go. What's stopping you from making good decisions at your own home before you leave for the party? You aren't saving that much money by going to get "free food" there, since you are probably making a dish anyways. You will know before you even get there if they will have healthy choices (you know your family better than anyone). So fill up on lean meats and salads before you go.
5) Don't hover near the food. Find a place across the room, house, or state, and plant yourself there. When you hover, you graze, when you graze, you stuff, when you stuff, you regret.
6) Drink water. "Com'on Lucas, shut up about water!" Sorry can't do it. The body can sometimes mistake thirst for hunger. Drink a glass of water, and give yourself 5 minutes for your body to figure out if it is still actually hungry.
7) Get a taste of desert, but not a serving. Yes, there are going to be deserts. Yes, they are going to be delicious. Yes, you can have some! But you don't necessarily need a whole serving. Get a spoonful of three different deserts. This will give you a taste of a bunch of different ones, and will be a heck of a lot less calories than a whole slice of one type of pie. Savor the taste, enjoy the flavors, and then move on with your life!
8) Set the fork down. Between each bite, set your utensil down, and speak to someone, watch the kids play, watch a play of the game on T.V, etc. Then pick it back up after a moment. Your stomach takes about 10-15 minutes to recognize that it is full. Give it some time to figure it out, don't rush through the meal trying to beat the stuffed feeling.
So get out there, celebrate life and the DAY given to the celebration, and never regret the past. Move forward, and make good, healthy decisions. And remember that your next bite can lead you to regret, or it can help you
Stay Fit.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
H2O the Places You'll Go
Welcome back Fitters!
How goes it? Did you get something in for you today? Remember, you have to take time to make time. Don't let life get in the way of living.
Tonight we are going to talk about something that we can't live without. We can survive several days without food (although it is not recommended), but will perish within days with the most important nutrient our bodies crave...water. It is so readily accessible in our society, that we sometimes forget the immense importance it has in our lives. We take advantage because it is as simple as turning a knob, opening a cooler door and swiping a piece of plastic money, pressing a button and leaning over to sip it from a fountain. But think about it...how many things in this world would you DIE if you didn't have within days? I'm not talking about "Oh my gosh, I would like, totally die if I didn't have my cell on me all the time"....I'm talking dead...within days. Whoa.
I know that's a little dramatic, but even something as simple as the first stages of dehydration can have a massive effect on our bodies. Below is a list of what water does for our system, as well as a list of what happens to our bodies as dehydration sets in. I have also added a video of some tips I use to keep hydrated.
H2O Bodily Functions
- Regulates Body Temperature: Our bodies don't handle extreme temperature changes well. In fact, changes as little as 6 degrees can cause cell and brain damage. Water helps us keep homeostasis, or a consistent temperature.
- Lubricates Joints: Our joints take a lot of wear and tear, much like the engine of a car. Without proper lubrication, our joints heat up and wear down much faster than normal.
- Remove Waste: Our bodies create a lot of waste and toxins. Water helps continuously flush these wastes out so we stay healthy.
- Proper Muscle Function - Water helps keep muscles properly functioning, by being a transport for electrolytes necessary for muscular contraction. The result of low water content in the body? Cramps, and big ones.
Results of Dehydration
With mild dehyration, the following symptoms may occur: Headaches, dizziness, dry skin, mild cramps during intense exercises, thirst.
Studies have shown that a decrease in a loss of water equal to 2.5% body weight can decrease high intensity performance by up to 45% (your workouts are only about half as good as what you are capable of) (Sports Nutrition, 2nd ed. by Asker Jeukendrup, Michael Gleeson).
These are numbers that are very readily seen in the daily life of an American individual. It does not take a large decrease in water to begin seeing the symptoms of mild dehydration. In fact, if you are the slightest bit thirsty, you are already in the first stages of dehydration.
So how do you stay hydrated? The video below will give you some tips. Stay hydrated, stay moving, and
Stay Fit.
How goes it? Did you get something in for you today? Remember, you have to take time to make time. Don't let life get in the way of living.
Tonight we are going to talk about something that we can't live without. We can survive several days without food (although it is not recommended), but will perish within days with the most important nutrient our bodies crave...water. It is so readily accessible in our society, that we sometimes forget the immense importance it has in our lives. We take advantage because it is as simple as turning a knob, opening a cooler door and swiping a piece of plastic money, pressing a button and leaning over to sip it from a fountain. But think about it...how many things in this world would you DIE if you didn't have within days? I'm not talking about "Oh my gosh, I would like, totally die if I didn't have my cell on me all the time"....I'm talking dead...within days. Whoa.
I know that's a little dramatic, but even something as simple as the first stages of dehydration can have a massive effect on our bodies. Below is a list of what water does for our system, as well as a list of what happens to our bodies as dehydration sets in. I have also added a video of some tips I use to keep hydrated.
H2O Bodily Functions
- Regulates Body Temperature: Our bodies don't handle extreme temperature changes well. In fact, changes as little as 6 degrees can cause cell and brain damage. Water helps us keep homeostasis, or a consistent temperature.
- Lubricates Joints: Our joints take a lot of wear and tear, much like the engine of a car. Without proper lubrication, our joints heat up and wear down much faster than normal.
- Remove Waste: Our bodies create a lot of waste and toxins. Water helps continuously flush these wastes out so we stay healthy.
- Proper Muscle Function - Water helps keep muscles properly functioning, by being a transport for electrolytes necessary for muscular contraction. The result of low water content in the body? Cramps, and big ones.
Results of Dehydration
With mild dehyration, the following symptoms may occur: Headaches, dizziness, dry skin, mild cramps during intense exercises, thirst.
Studies have shown that a decrease in a loss of water equal to 2.5% body weight can decrease high intensity performance by up to 45% (your workouts are only about half as good as what you are capable of) (Sports Nutrition, 2nd ed. by Asker Jeukendrup, Michael Gleeson).
These are numbers that are very readily seen in the daily life of an American individual. It does not take a large decrease in water to begin seeing the symptoms of mild dehydration. In fact, if you are the slightest bit thirsty, you are already in the first stages of dehydration.
So how do you stay hydrated? The video below will give you some tips. Stay hydrated, stay moving, and
Stay Fit.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Information is Not Knowledge
Greetings Fitters,
Albert Einstein is the brain behind the quote for the title of my blog tonight. While I don't claim to be as intelligent as the man, I believe I can wrap my head around what he is getting at here. Information is a gateway into great knowledge. Facts are the atoms by which molecules of knowledge are structured, meaning it takes a great deal of information to generate a sound knowledge of a topic. Take for instance animal husbandry (my wife is a zookeeper, go with me here). I know the mechanism by which two eagles mate. Does that mean I therefore have the knowledge on the breeding season in which they most likely WILL mate? Or what environmental factors make for the best nesting grounds? Or what the two eagles will even look for in each other? So many details go into the science of this, that knowing two, three, even a dozen facts will not give me the knowledge to be an expert on the subject.
The same can be said about all types of professions, but none rings more true for me (for obvious reasons) than the topic of nutrition and exercise. I've have seen on a regular basis (and even had to intervene with my own knowledge) the outcome of an individual basing the "knowledge" they impart to a friend or acquaintance on the "information" they have gleaned from working out themselves. Exercising alone does not make you an expert in the field of exercise, for every single person is an individual, and unless your knowledge is based in a scientific base of exercise, what works for one will not always work for another.
I am not insinuating that no one help one another in the Club or gym. I enjoy it when information is exchanged between fellow exercisers. It is fun to share anecdotal information on what has or hasn't worked for you, in an endeavor to spark new gains in each other's fitness. What I am saying for certain is to always take information for what it is, one individual's OPINION of how to perform an exercise or follow a nutrition plan.
Your best course of action? Think of the person's credentials. Does the person have an education in the field they are talking about? And even if they do, what resources are they using to back up their opinions? I drive a car every day, are you going to bring your car to me when it starts making a questionable noise? (The smart answer here is no, I am worthless when it comes to the mechanics of a car). So why simply put your health and well-being in someone who works out every day?
I always implore my clients to ask me why (as you know, I'm a Why Guy). Why are we doing this exercise? Why do we do it this quickly/slowly? Why is this exercise coming right after that last one? Why do we position our feet this way for this movement, but not that one? If I can't answer your question about my methodology, then I'm not doing my job. And when a person gives you information about the topic, look it up anyways! In the end, the person giving you this information isn't going to feel the pain of a slipped disk or strained bicep when it turns out the form they showed you is wrong, so be responsible for your own fitness and well-being. Be kind, soak in the information, and then find out if it is going to work for you with proven, scientific sources. Don't let the follies of another influence you health and wellness. Make sure you take your health into your own hands, and make sure you
Stay Fit.
Albert Einstein is the brain behind the quote for the title of my blog tonight. While I don't claim to be as intelligent as the man, I believe I can wrap my head around what he is getting at here. Information is a gateway into great knowledge. Facts are the atoms by which molecules of knowledge are structured, meaning it takes a great deal of information to generate a sound knowledge of a topic. Take for instance animal husbandry (my wife is a zookeeper, go with me here). I know the mechanism by which two eagles mate. Does that mean I therefore have the knowledge on the breeding season in which they most likely WILL mate? Or what environmental factors make for the best nesting grounds? Or what the two eagles will even look for in each other? So many details go into the science of this, that knowing two, three, even a dozen facts will not give me the knowledge to be an expert on the subject.
The same can be said about all types of professions, but none rings more true for me (for obvious reasons) than the topic of nutrition and exercise. I've have seen on a regular basis (and even had to intervene with my own knowledge) the outcome of an individual basing the "knowledge" they impart to a friend or acquaintance on the "information" they have gleaned from working out themselves. Exercising alone does not make you an expert in the field of exercise, for every single person is an individual, and unless your knowledge is based in a scientific base of exercise, what works for one will not always work for another.
I am not insinuating that no one help one another in the Club or gym. I enjoy it when information is exchanged between fellow exercisers. It is fun to share anecdotal information on what has or hasn't worked for you, in an endeavor to spark new gains in each other's fitness. What I am saying for certain is to always take information for what it is, one individual's OPINION of how to perform an exercise or follow a nutrition plan.
Your best course of action? Think of the person's credentials. Does the person have an education in the field they are talking about? And even if they do, what resources are they using to back up their opinions? I drive a car every day, are you going to bring your car to me when it starts making a questionable noise? (The smart answer here is no, I am worthless when it comes to the mechanics of a car). So why simply put your health and well-being in someone who works out every day?
There are people that make it their profession to better your health and wellness. Use them. |
Stay Fit.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Don't Change Up the Whole Food Roster, Sub Out Your Weak Ingredients
Hello Fitters!
Welcome back for some more nutrition and fitness fun! Today, I'm going to talk a little bit about making your food work better for you. When I first start talking with people about their health, one of their most daunting fears is that of changing their food habits. When asked, people will rate their willingness to change their food habits at a 40-50%, claiming that they "don't want to give up the foods they love," My response here is two fold:
1) You have to prioritize your health and fitness; I"M NOT SAYING YOU MUST MAKE IT FIRST. That would be my personal choice, but if that isn't your choice, that is great! But you have to decide where it stands, and realize that choices have consequences. If you want to continue to enjoy your sweets, no one is going to stop you. But if your goal is to lose 50 pounds, you have two options, lower the amount of sweets you eat, or change your fitness goal. You have to choose what is more important to you. One thought process that you need to change quickly is the "I CAN'T eat that, I'm on a diet." Of course you can eat it! More than likely, you have before. Instead, change your mentality to "I could eat that, but I choose not to." And that is the truth, you chose not to eat it, because you have chosen to prioritize your fitness goals first.
2) Change the way you are eating; There are several ways to do this. You can eat the same amount, but spread more throughout the day. You can control your portions to eat a smaller amount. But (in my opinion) the best option by far is to change the quality of food you are eating. Depending on the individual, I will choose one (or more) of these options to get them on the path to healthier food options.
One of my most preferred methods is to change out ingredients of food types for more healthier options. It is very simple, extremely affordable, and can be a much easier mental transition for those who struggle with food. Below are some options for switching out some "weak players" on your food roster.
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Lettuce as a wrap is one great way to reduce unhealthy carbs. |
Spices - Use any type of dry spice in place of a liquid condiment (such as barbeque sauce, soy sauce, ranch, dressings, etc.). Liquid condiments are loaded with fats, salts, and other calories (and it doesn't take much dressing to add up a whole lot of calories). Dry spices are usually crushed up vegetables, so of course those are on my good list! (See The Magical Formula for Weight Loss)
Lemon/Lime Juice - A great substitute for liquid condiments or dressings, this and some black pepper can definitely spice up your salads or chicken.
Avocado - Because of the higher level of healthy fats it contains, avocado has a smooth texture, much like other ingredientss with fat. This makes it great for substituting mayo, cheeses, etc. (As long as you don't mind the dish turning green!) - I.e. egg salad, made with advocado instead of mayo.
Fiber - Although not similar in taste, anything high in fiber (like vegetables and fruits) will keep you filling more full, longer.
Perimeter Shopping - Start by shopping on the outside of the store, and fill your carts with the fresh versions of all of your foods. If it can sit in the fridge or on a shelf for weeks, it probably won't be good for your insides.
Whole Wheat - whole wheat pizza crusts, wraps, breads, etc. are a much better alternative to any grain options (if getting rid of them is just too hard), and whole wheat is an option in almost every restaurant or store.The lower glycemic index wrecks much less havoc on your insulin levels.
Quinoa - I don't label many foods "Superfoods" (because the idea is silly, just eat good, wholesome food, and it is going to be "super"), but if I had to give one food the name, it would be Quinoa (pronouced keen-wa). A high level of carbs, fats, and proteins earns it the name. Use it to replace rices and other grains.
There are just some quick and simple tips to substitute foods in your diet. Getting online and finding other great options is easy (you're already on here to read this, might as well use your time wisely!). Just make sure you are truly looking into the ingredients to determine if a food is a better substitute. A lot of times, food organizations will fool you with "low fat" options, only to load up the sugar and salts, making it just as unhealthy for you. Want to know if it is a better option? Ask me! I am only a click away. And remember, that is why I am here. To help you
Stay Fit.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Train for Life
Greetings Fitters!
The topic of discussion tonight is one of my strongest beliefs. If you have read my post on Opinions and Beliefs, you'll know that I believe that in life, you should have many strong opinions on different aspects, but you should have two to three definite beliefs. One of my beliefs for the very brief time I'm on this earth is this:
Train for Life.
There are two deductions for this motto of mine, and they are both (to me) insurmountable in their importance, and intrinsically necessary for an individuals quality of life. Here they are.
1) Train in exercise for the tasks you need to accomplish in the rest of your life: Very seldom will you find yourself needing to lift something to your shoulder by sitting down on a perfect seat, squaring up your shoulders, and curling the object. So why would you wish to spend so much time training this movement while exercising (the bicep curl)?
I believe the reason is hidden in the evolution of fitness in a health club or gym setting. Prior to the era of desk jobs and technological booms, the individuals inhabiting the fitness facilities were bodybuilder-minded individuals. Enter the 9-5pm cubicle worker. They know they need to work out, but what to focus on? "Well, I want to....be healthy? That person looks healthy. So I need to look healthy to be healthy." What's the quickest way to "look healthy"? Body-building exercises. But this doesn't really make us healthy, it just makes us look more muscular. Is it your aspiration to have chiseled pecs? Or do you want to carry your baby through the mall without your lower back hurting and your shoulder feeling like a dead weight for two weeks?
So don't waste 4-6 hours in your week learning how to lift a bar over your head with half range of motion and flared our elbows (military press) while you're sitting on your kiester, unless you really just care about having "super big" shoulders. Spend time instead learning how to brace your spine while holding a load over your head, with stable, externally rotated shoulders so that when you have to take that bag of cat food off the top shelf, you don't tweak your lower back and injure your shoulder.
2) Move in a way that will allow you to continue exercising and being fit for your entire life span: Don't settle for good enough, and don't suffer through a pain because "I've always had a little twinge in my shoulder". A twinge is a twinge, and what it is is your body telling you something is wrong. A twinge turns into an ache, which turns into an injury, which turns into irreversible tissue and joint damage. And you only have 1-2 of everything (knees, shoulders, hips, spine). Once you wear it down, it's GONE. It isn't going to go away over night, and it isn't going to be a quick fix to move perfectly. But there are countless ways to keep your workouts intense without exacerbating an injury. Rest the injury, work on mobility so it works properly, and keep on being fit.
So check the ego at the front door, and move in a way that is going to allow you to do so for a looooong time. There's no point in wearing yourself down in your early years, just to ruin your quality of life for your last 20-30 years. There are 85 year old people jumping, heavy back squatting, running marathons, etc. They are no different from you except they didn't accept pain and poor movement. Make a good decision to improve your quality of life now to continue it into your hundreds. If it hurts, fix it. (By the way, pain medicine/advil/aleve is not fixing it, it just masks the symptom of pain so you continue your poor movement...fix the movement)
So there it is folks. Train for Life. Do what you do, do it well, and continue to do it until the day you leave us. What is this going to guarantee you do your entire life? You guessed it.
Stay Fit.
P.S. Remember, you aren't alone. If you don't know how to train specifically for the things going on in your life, message me, Facebook me, email me at LucasWoody@gmail.com. My goal in life is to help people reach their fullest potential, whatever that may be. I'm here for you!
The topic of discussion tonight is one of my strongest beliefs. If you have read my post on Opinions and Beliefs, you'll know that I believe that in life, you should have many strong opinions on different aspects, but you should have two to three definite beliefs. One of my beliefs for the very brief time I'm on this earth is this:
Train for Life.
There are two deductions for this motto of mine, and they are both (to me) insurmountable in their importance, and intrinsically necessary for an individuals quality of life. Here they are.
1) Train in exercise for the tasks you need to accomplish in the rest of your life: Very seldom will you find yourself needing to lift something to your shoulder by sitting down on a perfect seat, squaring up your shoulders, and curling the object. So why would you wish to spend so much time training this movement while exercising (the bicep curl)?
I believe the reason is hidden in the evolution of fitness in a health club or gym setting. Prior to the era of desk jobs and technological booms, the individuals inhabiting the fitness facilities were bodybuilder-minded individuals. Enter the 9-5pm cubicle worker. They know they need to work out, but what to focus on? "Well, I want to....be healthy? That person looks healthy. So I need to look healthy to be healthy." What's the quickest way to "look healthy"? Body-building exercises. But this doesn't really make us healthy, it just makes us look more muscular. Is it your aspiration to have chiseled pecs? Or do you want to carry your baby through the mall without your lower back hurting and your shoulder feeling like a dead weight for two weeks?
So don't waste 4-6 hours in your week learning how to lift a bar over your head with half range of motion and flared our elbows (military press) while you're sitting on your kiester, unless you really just care about having "super big" shoulders. Spend time instead learning how to brace your spine while holding a load over your head, with stable, externally rotated shoulders so that when you have to take that bag of cat food off the top shelf, you don't tweak your lower back and injure your shoulder.
2) Move in a way that will allow you to continue exercising and being fit for your entire life span: Don't settle for good enough, and don't suffer through a pain because "I've always had a little twinge in my shoulder". A twinge is a twinge, and what it is is your body telling you something is wrong. A twinge turns into an ache, which turns into an injury, which turns into irreversible tissue and joint damage. And you only have 1-2 of everything (knees, shoulders, hips, spine). Once you wear it down, it's GONE. It isn't going to go away over night, and it isn't going to be a quick fix to move perfectly. But there are countless ways to keep your workouts intense without exacerbating an injury. Rest the injury, work on mobility so it works properly, and keep on being fit.
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Tell 64 year old Greg here that a lack of mobility and strength is "just a part of being old." You'll have to wait until he puts down his 190 lb. Clean and Jerk (that means he took it from the ground to over his head). |
So there it is folks. Train for Life. Do what you do, do it well, and continue to do it until the day you leave us. What is this going to guarantee you do your entire life? You guessed it.
Stay Fit.
P.S. Remember, you aren't alone. If you don't know how to train specifically for the things going on in your life, message me, Facebook me, email me at LucasWoody@gmail.com. My goal in life is to help people reach their fullest potential, whatever that may be. I'm here for you!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Get Ready for your Warrior Dash! (Or Whatever Challenge you Face)
Hey all you Fitters!
As some of you may know, I am all signed up for the Warrior Dash in September in Crawfordsville, IN. For those that aren't familiar with WD, it is a 5K obstacle coarse filled with fun and challenging obstacles to test your meddle, as well as get crazy messy and have a great time (check out the obstacles and more at WarriorDash.com).
Because I love a challenge, especially one that lets me express my fitness, I want to be prepared for this thing. So I have created a workout that simulates the experience of the WD's fitness demands, including cardiovascular endurance, speed, strength, power, and more. I did this for a few reasons:
1) Progress mapping - I want to know exactly what I am getting into, and how well I am conditioning to get that way. Therefore this workout is designed to prove if I am ready, and how ready I am. It is important to Test/Retest yourself on a regular basis, to make sure you are better today than you were yesterday.
2) S.M.A.R.T. goal - Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. This is what is necessary to set a goal. The workout is very specific, and equally measurable. It is most certainly attainable (I did the workout already), and the level of intensity in which I want to do it by race day is also attainable (the time I want to beat it by), my goal time is realistic, and the amount of times I am going to Retest are timely (every two months, to give myself time to change, but also have enough retests to know what I need more improvement on).
3) Train for Life - A philosophy I live by (more later), train in the things that you are going to see in life. I won't see these exact moves at the WD, but the stresses these moves elicit, and my body needing to handle these stresses, I will most certainly see. What stresses does your body see? Lot's of stairs? Lifting heavy boxes? Standing on your feet all day? Train for Life.
So the following is my workout I will be using to prepare for the Warrior Dash. It will be my test, and also my conditioning routine. I will do it every two months from now until September, tracking everything from food consumed that day, to how long each movement takes. And I will use this empirical data to adapt my training to see improved results. Scientifically based fitness, gotta love it!
To explain this workout - The warrior dash is a 5K (3.1 mile) run, with 13 rigorous obstacles to face. Dividing 3.1 miles by 13 gives us 0.238, or rounded to 0.25 miles between each obstacle. So, I created an exercise routine to mimic this specific situation, using 13 movements that required one of the aforementioned fitness demands (strength, cardiovascular endurance, etc.).
Warrior Dash Special
Run 1/4 mile before first movement, in between each movement, and after the final movement, for a total of 3.5 miles. The movements are:
30 air squats
30 pullups
30 straight-arm sit-ups, 20# each hand
5 rope climbs, 10 ft. rope
30 sumo deadlift high pulls, 65#
10 Turkish get-ups (5 each hand, 25#)
30 box jumps, 24 inch box
30 burpees
30 overhead walking lunge steps, 35#
100 meter bear crawl
30 deadlifts, 135#
30 shoulder to overhead, 65#
30 dumbbell box step overs, 30# each hand
There you have it. The Warrior Dash special. If you have any questions about the programming, execution, or movements, please feel free to ask. And also feel free to use it for your own training, be it the Warrior Dash or some other fitness endeavor.
For any that may ask, I finished this workout in 1 hour, 10 minutes. I did it after not eating for 5 hours (extreme stupidity), and with a 16# vest on (10% body weight) (verdict is still out on level of stupidity, but it was fun!). I gave this information because I know some will ask, not to be used as a comparison. Be your own person, work at your own level, and above all else.
Stay Fit
As some of you may know, I am all signed up for the Warrior Dash in September in Crawfordsville, IN. For those that aren't familiar with WD, it is a 5K obstacle coarse filled with fun and challenging obstacles to test your meddle, as well as get crazy messy and have a great time (check out the obstacles and more at WarriorDash.com).
Because I love a challenge, especially one that lets me express my fitness, I want to be prepared for this thing. So I have created a workout that simulates the experience of the WD's fitness demands, including cardiovascular endurance, speed, strength, power, and more. I did this for a few reasons:
1) Progress mapping - I want to know exactly what I am getting into, and how well I am conditioning to get that way. Therefore this workout is designed to prove if I am ready, and how ready I am. It is important to Test/Retest yourself on a regular basis, to make sure you are better today than you were yesterday.
2) S.M.A.R.T. goal - Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. This is what is necessary to set a goal. The workout is very specific, and equally measurable. It is most certainly attainable (I did the workout already), and the level of intensity in which I want to do it by race day is also attainable (the time I want to beat it by), my goal time is realistic, and the amount of times I am going to Retest are timely (every two months, to give myself time to change, but also have enough retests to know what I need more improvement on).
3) Train for Life - A philosophy I live by (more later), train in the things that you are going to see in life. I won't see these exact moves at the WD, but the stresses these moves elicit, and my body needing to handle these stresses, I will most certainly see. What stresses does your body see? Lot's of stairs? Lifting heavy boxes? Standing on your feet all day? Train for Life.
So the following is my workout I will be using to prepare for the Warrior Dash. It will be my test, and also my conditioning routine. I will do it every two months from now until September, tracking everything from food consumed that day, to how long each movement takes. And I will use this empirical data to adapt my training to see improved results. Scientifically based fitness, gotta love it!
To explain this workout - The warrior dash is a 5K (3.1 mile) run, with 13 rigorous obstacles to face. Dividing 3.1 miles by 13 gives us 0.238, or rounded to 0.25 miles between each obstacle. So, I created an exercise routine to mimic this specific situation, using 13 movements that required one of the aforementioned fitness demands (strength, cardiovascular endurance, etc.).
Warrior Dash Special
Run 1/4 mile before first movement, in between each movement, and after the final movement, for a total of 3.5 miles. The movements are:
30 air squats
30 pullups
30 straight-arm sit-ups, 20# each hand
5 rope climbs, 10 ft. rope
30 sumo deadlift high pulls, 65#
10 Turkish get-ups (5 each hand, 25#)
30 box jumps, 24 inch box
30 burpees
30 overhead walking lunge steps, 35#
100 meter bear crawl
30 deadlifts, 135#
30 shoulder to overhead, 65#
30 dumbbell box step overs, 30# each hand
There you have it. The Warrior Dash special. If you have any questions about the programming, execution, or movements, please feel free to ask. And also feel free to use it for your own training, be it the Warrior Dash or some other fitness endeavor.
For any that may ask, I finished this workout in 1 hour, 10 minutes. I did it after not eating for 5 hours (extreme stupidity), and with a 16# vest on (10% body weight) (verdict is still out on level of stupidity, but it was fun!). I gave this information because I know some will ask, not to be used as a comparison. Be your own person, work at your own level, and above all else.
Stay Fit
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The original workout. It has been slightly modified. |
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Think of the Children! (And their Movement)
Greetings Fitters!
I hope you have found some time this weekend to put yourself first, and work on your fitness. You have to take care of yourselves before you can take care of anyone else!
Speaking of taking care of anyone else.....I know that for many of us, that "someone else" is our kids. Over the past few months, I have been seeing some interesting articles related to children and their health and wellness. Two in particular are below:
Mother Penalized for Not Giving Child Balanced Lunch, School Gives Ritz Crackers
High School PE Program Recognized
The second one is an exciting possibility in my eyes. Finally, teaching kids how to move well for the rest of their lives! It is upsetting to see that children from elementary school up in to high school are given lessons in their Physical Education classes (if they still are allowed physical education) about things they will never use the rest of their lives. How many kids go on to play volleyball, dodgeball, football, basketball, etc.? Maybe 1%. How many go on to pick things off the ground, carry heavy objects, sit in a chair, or sprint to catch a bus? I'm going to go ahead and say all of them.
I've spoken to Athletic Trainers who talk about the children that are visiting their offices on a regular basis each season from injuries that are clearly the cause of overuse or dysfunctional movement. No child should already be having knee pains and joint issues when they are 16, 17, or 18. So why are we seeing this? Because no one has taught them how to activate their glutes, turn their knees out, and have a solid knee when they are running, or squatting down to go for that low volleyball, or how to brace their shoulder when they wind up for a pitch.
I've talked with parents who are concerned that their children aren't being shown the importance of physical activity, because the school systems are taking away the only allotted hour of their child's day that they used to spend being active, P.E. class. Consider it.....a kid in high school (that isn't in sports) wakes up, goes to school, sits in a chair for roughly 5-6 hours a day (minimum), gets out of school, comes home or goes to a friend's house, sits around for a few more hours, then goes to bed. When do they get in their physical activity, exercise, movement? Who is teaching them how to move well?
So what do we need to do? We need to invest more into teaching our children the importance of simple movements. We need develop programs that are going to help them find significance in making good choices about their food and health. So what is the answer? CrossFit in school? Maybe, maybe not. But who cares about the right answer? Figure out what is important to teach kids for their future (not the 1% of them who play sports to make a living) so that they can move well for the next 90 years, and teach that. Teach it well, and teach it in a way that will stick. Help the people of the future learn how to
Stay Fit.
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And NO, the answer is not "tricking them" into moving with video games. |
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The Perfect Warm-Up
Greetings Fitters.
Welcome back. I hope you've fared well this Wednesday. For this post, I wanted to get into the "Perfect Warm-Up".
I'm going to go ahead and burst the proverbial bubble early. There is no such thing as a perfect warm-up. But there are aspects that should be present in every warm up to ensure that your body is ready for the rigors you are about to put it through.
1) Cardiovascular - Do this to stretch the lungs, warm up the muscles, increase core temperatures slightly, and pump the blood more quickly. It does not need to last more than 5 minutes, and shouldn't be vigorous. Rowing, biking, jogging, or uphill walking are great examples.
2) Dynamic Movements - Use movements that move your joints through an increased range of motion that they usually do not see throughout the day. This gets your muscles ready to stretch farther, and harder, than the usual day-to-day movements. This may include arm circles, long lunges, high kicks or high knees, wide side-lunges, etc.
3) Shoulders and Hips - These are the "junction boxes" between the torso/core and arms and legs. Because of the vast amounts of muscles that are connected here, the range of motion that these joints have, and the fact that an extremely large percentage of exercises utilize these joints, it is important to make sure they are ready to move.
4) Movement specific - If you are going to do deadlifts, make sure you stretch the hamstrings and lower back. Lunges? Do deep, long lunges to warm up. Bench press? Do some pushups, and warm up the shoulders. Burpees?......well, better get it all warmed up. And good luck.
5) Sweat - "Are you sweating?" "No." "You're not warmed up." "But I feel loose and ready to go!" "Are you sweating?" "Well...no." "You're not warmed up." You don't have to be drenched, but you have to be warm.
Warm ups should be a minimum of 7-10 minutes. There's no sense not being ready to move. Keep yourself safe, and always
Stay Fit.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Opinions and Beliefs
Good evening to all of you Fitters out there!
Tonight, I want to talk very briefly on the idea of "debating".
I have had some controversial topics come up in my profession, and it inevitably leads to an "argument". The issue I have with a situation like that is this: I do not condone arguments, I believe in discussions. Some people may see these two concepts as interchangeable, but I would say those individuals are more likely the ones that want to argue. In my opinion (key word here, OPINION), arguments arise when two people have conflicting BELIEFS about a topic, and want to convince the other that their belief is more knowledgeable, inspiring, or just downright correct. Where does this become a problem? Beliefs are deep. Beliefs are what your religion is based on. Your intrinsic ethical code is foundationally grounded in beliefs. Because of this, it is extremely difficult, indeed borderline impossible, to change someone's beliefs in a matter of a 15 minute conversation with them. What is more likely to happen? You piss them off, and they discontinue further communication with you.
Instead, I would implore each individual to have a strong set of opinions. Opinions are malleable. They are firm in that you back them with the knowledge that you currently have, but are pliable with new information that may come along. We all can agree that fitness and wellness have come a long way in 20 years. Why would you dig your heels in so deeply on a subject (like fitness in my case) that you know can change in a matter of years? This can be said of all professions, times change, and ideas change with it.
My suggestion? Have 2-3 strong, invincible beliefs. Truths of life that you know are inalienable and timeless. The rest of your thoughts, be strongly opinionated in. And know that there may come a time when you have a DISCUSSION with someone that brings up strong evidence to the contrary of your opinion. You will find that it is much easier you to adapt and absorb this information, when you are working with an opinion.
And remember, when you are discussing a topic with someone, and you have to raise your voice, it is more than likely because you are failing to bring clarity or content to the conversation. Instead, bring an open mind, and a valid opinion.
My beliefs?
1) We are responsible for our own health and well-being, and we must give a conscious effort to our movements and our choices to keep our health in good standing.
2) Acting positively and searching for the most positive outlook for every situation will result in a more positive outlook on life.
3) Life is short. Do what makes you happy, and never regret a moment.
4) Stay Fit.
Tonight, I want to talk very briefly on the idea of "debating".
I have had some controversial topics come up in my profession, and it inevitably leads to an "argument". The issue I have with a situation like that is this: I do not condone arguments, I believe in discussions. Some people may see these two concepts as interchangeable, but I would say those individuals are more likely the ones that want to argue. In my opinion (key word here, OPINION), arguments arise when two people have conflicting BELIEFS about a topic, and want to convince the other that their belief is more knowledgeable, inspiring, or just downright correct. Where does this become a problem? Beliefs are deep. Beliefs are what your religion is based on. Your intrinsic ethical code is foundationally grounded in beliefs. Because of this, it is extremely difficult, indeed borderline impossible, to change someone's beliefs in a matter of a 15 minute conversation with them. What is more likely to happen? You piss them off, and they discontinue further communication with you.
My suggestion? Have 2-3 strong, invincible beliefs. Truths of life that you know are inalienable and timeless. The rest of your thoughts, be strongly opinionated in. And know that there may come a time when you have a DISCUSSION with someone that brings up strong evidence to the contrary of your opinion. You will find that it is much easier you to adapt and absorb this information, when you are working with an opinion.
And remember, when you are discussing a topic with someone, and you have to raise your voice, it is more than likely because you are failing to bring clarity or content to the conversation. Instead, bring an open mind, and a valid opinion.
My beliefs?
1) We are responsible for our own health and well-being, and we must give a conscious effort to our movements and our choices to keep our health in good standing.
2) Acting positively and searching for the most positive outlook for every situation will result in a more positive outlook on life.
3) Life is short. Do what makes you happy, and never regret a moment.
4) Stay Fit.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Use Your Bones for Support
Hey Fitters!
Good day today. Little early morning workout, a lot of business building at the Club, a great group session with some awesome athletes, and finished with a team meeting with the greatest personal training team in Lafayette! What did you do for your personal physical, occupational, or social development today?
Today, we are talking about your support system, your bones. Many people move their exercises with a muscle mentality. They believe that by being "strong" with their muscles, that they can power through any movement well. However, consider this. Our muscles are only as strong and supportive as the structures for which they are attached, or can create torque upon. Think about squatting on a solid rubber floor. It is easy to create torque in the feet, externally rotate the femur, and create massive force. Now consider doing it on ice. Much less force can be created. Now on top of water (yes, I know, you can't stand on water, point made!). The final point is that our muscles are really great levers, but they must have something on which they can act: your bones.
Your skeletal system is the support system of your body. The sole purpose of your muscles is to generate force on your bones to change the angles of your joints. This is why it is called the musculoskeletal system. These two systems work together to move your body. Without your skeletal system, you would be very mushy.
So what does this mean for exercise? You can only be proficient in a movement with muscular strength alone for so long before your posture and form cause faults and failures. Imagine a back squat (check out The Back Squat - Learn to Lift Well, I added a new video!) where you become very soft in your core, allowing your spine to be loose and flex or extend with no resistance. Very quickly you will fail to be able to lift the load. Now imagine that you are in a "somewhat proper" position, but still not quite perfect, but are trying to lift a maximal load. Again, being in a slightly compromised position can lead to failure. This is why it is imperative to learn how to use proper mechanics and posture throughout each of your movements to ensure not only that you can support maximum loads, but so that your body wears more slowly, due to it being in the ideal position to go through every day motions hundreds of thousands of times in the right way.
So don't just learn how to move hard, or move strong, learn to how to move WELL and in the right position. Check out the short video below to help demonstrate my point. And always,
Stay Fit.
Good day today. Little early morning workout, a lot of business building at the Club, a great group session with some awesome athletes, and finished with a team meeting with the greatest personal training team in Lafayette! What did you do for your personal physical, occupational, or social development today?
Today, we are talking about your support system, your bones. Many people move their exercises with a muscle mentality. They believe that by being "strong" with their muscles, that they can power through any movement well. However, consider this. Our muscles are only as strong and supportive as the structures for which they are attached, or can create torque upon. Think about squatting on a solid rubber floor. It is easy to create torque in the feet, externally rotate the femur, and create massive force. Now consider doing it on ice. Much less force can be created. Now on top of water (yes, I know, you can't stand on water, point made!). The final point is that our muscles are really great levers, but they must have something on which they can act: your bones.
Your skeletal system is the support system of your body. The sole purpose of your muscles is to generate force on your bones to change the angles of your joints. This is why it is called the musculoskeletal system. These two systems work together to move your body. Without your skeletal system, you would be very mushy.
So what does this mean for exercise? You can only be proficient in a movement with muscular strength alone for so long before your posture and form cause faults and failures. Imagine a back squat (check out The Back Squat - Learn to Lift Well, I added a new video!) where you become very soft in your core, allowing your spine to be loose and flex or extend with no resistance. Very quickly you will fail to be able to lift the load. Now imagine that you are in a "somewhat proper" position, but still not quite perfect, but are trying to lift a maximal load. Again, being in a slightly compromised position can lead to failure. This is why it is imperative to learn how to use proper mechanics and posture throughout each of your movements to ensure not only that you can support maximum loads, but so that your body wears more slowly, due to it being in the ideal position to go through every day motions hundreds of thousands of times in the right way.
So don't just learn how to move hard, or move strong, learn to how to move WELL and in the right position. Check out the short video below to help demonstrate my point. And always,
Stay Fit.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
The Back Squat - Learn to Lift Well
Greetings Fitters,
Crazy Holidays! Lots of family, lots of food, lots of fun. And now, back to it. I hope you were able to work on your fitness throughout the craziness, I know I did!
Today I have to talk about some key points on the back squat. A lot of people avoid the back squat for a lot of reasons:
1) They saw the big guy get red faced, screaming as he tries to stand up with 500 lbs, and figured it is too much work or too intimidating.
2) It takes a lot of technique, and isn't worth the time.
3) They haven't had any instruction to do it well.
4) They have been injured from the movement before.
These are legitimate excuses to have caution when dealing with the back squat, but no reason at all to avoid it completely! The back squat can be very technical, but recall that so is running, but we spend a lot less of a proportion of technique training to actual running. Injury can occur from back squatting easily, but so can getting out of bed incorrectly, or bending over to pick up a grandchild. Moving well and learning proper technique can save you in any movement, including this one. And I'll admit the guy screaming over a quarter ton on his back is slightly intimidating, but there's no reason whatsoever for you to try that, so why worry?
Here is a short list of reasons why back squatting will assist you in the every day routine:
1) Learn how to move up and down with a load on your back (i.e. moving safely while carrying a child)
2) Create strength synergistically in your leg muscles, through full range of motion, that can transfer to almost all other movements (running, jumping, lunging, etc.)
3) Back squats allows the biggest capacity to move the most weight while dealing with any restrictions in mobility (i.e. you can move a large load in a back squat that may be impossible in an overhead squat. NOTE: this does not mean do not work to create mobility for the front squat or overhead squat. I simply mean you can continue to gain strength through the back squat WHILE working on mobility for these other squats)
So now that we have a basic idea for the reasoning behind back squatting, let's learn a little bit about how to back squat well. Here are some major points of performance.
These first three are more for back squats specifically, in that they deal with having a barbell on your back.
1) Keep the upper back tight - Start by externally rotating the shoulders by "breaking" the bar apart with your hands. Also pinch the shoulder blades together, and keep this tightness in the shoulders as you move through the squat.
2) Find a good position on the shoulders - This is a mixture of comfort and shoulder mobility. Find a place where you can keep the bar on you shoulders, can keep your shoulders externally rotated, and pinched back. (for me, this is about a thumb's length wider than my shoulders.
3) Unrack and step back with as good of technique as the actual squat - This is often neglected, but many injuries in weight lifting occur in transitional periods (i.e. racking the barbell, lifting a dumbbell off the rack, trying to sit up with weight in the hands). Get your heels directly under the barbell, and with an upright torso, stand the bar up. Then step back very diliberately with each foot. Use the same sequence each time (starting with left or right, then following with the opposite). you may try the step out process with an empty bar, just to ingrain the neuromuscular pattern in your head so it becomes second nature. Try not to spend too much time fidgeting, as this can be tiring under heavy loads.
These next steps are the same for every type of squat, including air squats, front squats, and overhead squats.
4) Keep the midline braced - See my post "Core, Do Core, Use the Core.....What is Core Again?"
With the squat, this means keeping a slight lumbar arch (lower back arch), as the first fault seen in the spine is a rounding of the whole back.
5) Initiate the squat with hips/hamstrings - This means don't start squatting by letting your knees fall forward, but by sending your hips (or hamstrings) back. Think sitting back in a chair. It may help to think about keeping your weight in your heels, although it is important to keep the whole foot down.
6) Squat below parallel - This means your hip crease is below your knees (femur is below parallel to ground). Don't go crazy, but strive for depth. Why? GREAT question! Because life doesn't stop at a parallel squat, why should we? Train for life.
7) PUSH YOUR KNEES OUT! - See pictures below. Your knees need to at the least be tracking in line with your toes (which should be pointing straight). If they are a little wider, no biggie. It is much better for them to be a little wide then valgus, or caving in (a slew of knee problems arise from this). Make sure you are actively pushing out both coming down and going up.
How can you focus on this? A couple of cues seem to help a lot of people:
- Screw your feet in the ground - this creates external rotation in the upper leg, allowing the knees to move outward
- Split the ground - this assists with the torque created in the legs, and furthers the "pushing knees out" process
- Knees out! - have someone press against the outside of your knee (unloaded) and actively push against their hand. You can also wrap a band around your knees (again, with an unloaded squat) and push against the tension.
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One of my heroes, Kelly Starrett, demonstrating valgus "knees in" squat, vs. knees out. |
So keep these tips in mind. Get out there and start practicing these points of performance. NOTE: If you are having trouble performing the tips I gave for all types of squats (#4-7), work on these FIRST, and then add the weight later. Then, when you have found some problems/restrictions/issues with your squat, I want to hear about them! Tell me what is going on in the comments section, and I will be more than happy to help you start perfecting your squat. I can PROMISE you there are thousands of people with the same issues, you just may be the first with the courage to admit it, and do something about it! Be willing to work on yourself. It can only help you do one thing.
Stay Fit.
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