Greetings Fitters!
Lately, the idea of change has come up a lot in my life. Changes at the club, changes in my training regimen, changes in my nutrition, all sorts of changes. I know for a lot of people, myself included, change can be a little scary, and maybe even a little daunting. But regardless of the anxiety that change brings, change is irrefutable necessary to better ourselves and our lives.
Consider this, if people were so afraid of change that they avoided it at all costs, where would our society be? We would still live on a flat earth, dying at 40 without advanced medication, and still wearing fur loincloths to exercise (somewhat of an exaggeration, but not that far...).
So yeah, we have to change. But to what extent? In my opinion, we need to change as often as possible to elicit a response that will help us adapt to our needs. For instance, I'm training currently for an athletic event. As such, the needs of my training regimen have changed immensely. My nutrition has altered to include a lot more calories to promote my increase and working out. But not all of us are training for a competition, so what does that mean for you?
Our bodies are amazing adaptive machines. If you give them a task, and it must repeatedly accomplish it, it will become very efficient at it. And in biomechanical language, efficiency for our bodies means less calories and energy consumed. So the more you run at a certain pace, the better your body gets at it, until the stresses of that run no longer elicit the adaptation you are striving for (i.e. better speed, endurance, stamina, etc.). You will also start to burn less calories, resulting in less body fat loss. This concept can also be applied to weight lifting, plyometrics, agility training, etc.
So make sure you are regularly changing your routine so that your body must consistently keep up by adapting (i.e. Getting stronger, faster, more endured). Don't keep fooling yourself into thinking the world is flat. Pioneer a new level of fitness for yourself. Change is imperative if you hope to
Stay Fit.