Before I get into it, I want to make something clear. Ironmen, Ironwomen, runners, marathon enthusiasts, and weekend warrior racers are all fit people. No beef there. But the misconception that the masses have with running and fitness being mutually exclusive, and that it is impossible to find one without finding the other, is irrefutably wrong! You can by all means use running as a avenue to find health, but by no means is it THE means to an end.
So why is it that so many people find themselves strapping on their tennies and heading out for a morning jog? The answer is in the question! Running is so easy accessible (you simply need your shoes and an open area), that people misconstrue this concept to the point that they believe running is a simple, nontechnical exercise. And unfortunately for the masses, this is not the case at all. A study in SportsMed (van Mechelen W.), found that the rate of injuries for runners is between 36-56%. That means that in a group of you, that guy, and that other guy, one of you is getting injured this year. To put that in perspective, Runner USA found that in 2008 alone, there were 35,904,000 runners in the U.S. Using the percentages from the SportsMed literature, that would mean between 12,925,440 and 20,106,240 people in the the U.S. get injured by running a year (there are 6,537,000 people in Indiana). So I am saying running is stupid, right? NO! But it can be much more technical than people give it credit. Respect the running, and learn how to do it properly. MOVE WELL (see previous posts).
So what DOES = fitness (i.e. what makes you fit)? Running is a part of it, but only a fraction. Running can help you with your cardiovascular endurance, and even stamina. But there is more to fitness than that. You are most fit when you increase your work capacity in each of ten aspects of fitness:
What aspects of fitness are being used here? |
Cardiovascular Endurance
Are triathlon/marathon runners amazing athletes? Of course! But to become someone who is truly competitive in the sport (like, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, getting paid to do it), they must sacrifice many of these fitness characteristics. Many endurance runners have jump heights of a few inches, or can lift very minimal loads from the ground.
Does that mean don't pursue an act which brings you joy (if running is said act)? Definitely not. Run away. But if you have no intentions of winning these races, and use them only to test your mettle, and see what you are capable of, then don't sacrifice your ability to function in your day to day life. Practice and train for these other aspects of fitness. You'll find that life gets easier, and a heck of a lot more fun, when you are a more balanced, capable individual. Stay busy, stay focused, stay happy, and above all...
Stay Fit.
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